
These tracks are the official demo tracks from The Eaghams forthcoming album The Lyric Play.

Prospect Calendar

Recorded at Old Hastings Studio

Fall of The Tyrants

Recorded at Rubycue Studios by Nick Hunt, engineer to Placebo and Busta Rhymes.


Recorded at Rubycue Studios, engineered by Nick Hunt.

Falun Gong practiced by a 100 million in China
Before the persecution
Began in July 1999
Thousands have been killed for a belief
To be true, to be kind, to endure
The CCP will not be
So withdraw and withdraw and withdraw

Falun Gong is Good
I am telling you now clearly
Let truth be understood
The fabricated lies on TV
Thousands have been killed for a belief
To be true, to be kind, to endure
The CCP will not be
So withdraw and withdraw and withdraw

Paintings and Poetry: The Dream of Saint Helena by Veronese


Did her vision keep her awake
Or is she asleep?
The auspicious vision
Brought into the muddy earth
Her garment golden
A thoughtful painting of vision

If you enjoyed this post, please share with colleagues, friends and family.

© Zubyre Parvez 2016 All Rights Reserved The EaghamsWRITER BIO: Zubyre Parvez (BA hons) studied English Literature at Hertfordshire University. He writes song lyrics, poetry, short stories, reviews, and articles for The Eaghams Blog.  His poetry won runners up in a competition judged by Simon Armitage and Margaret Atwood. His poetry has been published in Kobita. His articles have appeared in The Epoch Times as a journalist for the newspaper. He has worked for New Tang Dynasty Television as a journalist. You can catch up with his tweets @TheEaghams

ARTIST BIO:The Eaghams aka Zubyre Parvez is an Urban Indie singer songwriter from London. His song The Roots was played on BBC 1Xtra by DJ Excalibuh. He has collaborated with artists such as Mr Hectic and Jason Air formerly of Island records. He has played at The Garage, and various open mics.

Paintings and Poetry: Happy Union by Paolo Veronese

Source: www.nationalgallery.org.uk
Source: http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk

There in the sky, pattern of hands
The airy scene of the crowning
Pure and free of earth
The brown and white dog
Takes a corner
In the painting above is cloud
The horn of plenty
She sits by
As pure as the child’s mind
Infinity captured in architecture

If you enjoyed this blogpost, please check out further pieces in the series:

Paintings and Poetry: The Dream of Saint Helena by Paolo Veronese

© Zubyre Parvez 2016 All Rights Reserved The EaghamsWRITER BIO: Zubyre Parvez (BA hons) studied English Literature at Hertfordshire University. He writes song lyrics, poetry, short stories, reviews, and articles for The Eaghams Blog.  His poetry won runners up in a competition judged by Simon Armitage and Margaret Atwood. His poetry has been published in Kobita. His articles have appeared in The Epoch Times as a journalist for the newspaper. He has worked for New Tang Dynasty Television as a journalist. You can catch up with his tweets @TheEaghams

ARTIST BIO:The Eaghams aka Zubyre Parvez is an Urban Indie singer songwriter from London. His song The Roots was played on BBC 1Xtra by DJ Excalibuh. He has collaborated with artists such as Mr Hectic and Jason Air formerly of Island records. He has played at The Garage, and various open mics.

Teaching English in Poland with the APASS scheme


Source: http://www.betterworldbooks.com/lonely-planet-poland-id-174059522X.aspx

We went on a 36 hour road trip from London to Poland, stopping off in Germany for breakfast, squinting in the morning light , tradesmen opening their shutters. Thanks to the APASS scheme advert that used to be run I had noticed on the campus noticeboards at university.

We got to know each other on the coach. My roommate in the teachers residence came from Brighton. I was introduced to him on the coach.

We taught English classes that summer, constructing lesson plans about Wavel Cathedral, the place where the Hindu God Shiva was said to have thrown a magic stone, legend has it, the place remained unoccupied during the the Nazi occupation of World War II. The stone is said to be in the foundations, so that’s why you see people from the Hindu faith meditating in the area. Peace, not war, I suppose.

I constructed word search and crossword games for the students, to increase their vocabulary, however it always started with the most simple words of the English language, that was the way I had been taught to write. Along the way on the chessboard of life, making sense of it all, I learned Polish words, though my enunciation clearly needed work.
My accent was terrible. Carousing with the teachers on our time off at the bar, stupidly drunk I impressed some words upon the girls, as chat up lines, and it was quite easy to get girls’ numbers, I wrote them on a postcard I had bought on my sightseeing around the country. There was another British-Asian in Poland, who wore spectacles. He liked the attention of being one of the few Asians in the country. He enlisted on the APASS teaching scheme several times I had heard. He piqued the interest of the locals, who asked if he was Moroccan…

The girls in Poland are pretty. The men that accompany them are not as fashion conscious, handlebar mustaches with socks and sandals are the order of the day.

Vodka is the drink of the people. It’s drunk in the way beer is drunk in Britain.

One of the students came up to me to ask about the lyrics to some Red Hot Chili Peppers song. We took the students outdoors on the green. I played them a song, handing out the lyrics to High and Dry, a song by Radiohead.

Me and my roommate were in the teachers residence, there was a mosquito in the room, so he got out his lighter and sparked an aerosol spray to burn it. he slept in the opposite bed, and said I slept with my eyes slightly open, maybe I was stressed, I don’t sleep like that anymore.

© Zubyre Parvez 2016 All Rights Reserved

If you enjoyed this post, please share with colleagues, friends and family. To read further posts about travel check out the following:

On Teaching ABC English in Mexico

The EaghamsWRITER BIO: Zubyre Parvez (BA hons) studied English Literature at Hertfordshire University. He writes song lyrics, poetry, short stories, reviews, and articles for The Taoist Crucible.  His poetry won runners up in a competition judged by Simon Armitage and Margaret Atwood. His poetry has been published in Kobita. His articles have appeared in The Epoch Times as a journalist for the newspaper. He has worked for New Tang Dynasty Television as a journalist. You can catch up with his tweets @TheEaghams

ARTIST BIO:The Eaghams aka Zubyre Parvez is an Urban Indie singer songwriter from London. His song The Roots was played on BBC 1Xtra by DJ Excalibuh. He has collaborated with artists such as Mr Hectic and Jason Air formerly of Island records. He has played at The Garage, and various open mics.

Poem: Man


Source: http://www.smsmp3.com/sak/001630.asp


For Simon

Met you at Stratford Theatre
Behind the facades backstage
You gave me your number
Trips to White City council estate
Where the fresh faced writers passed through
You paid for ya boy’s studio session
Nurturing the talents around you
Your style made me want to write
Rappers know about rhythm
You were crazy but we respected you
Reticent mouthed
You passed my music on
It found the hands of those
Contacts built
Couldn’t do this off your back
Years have passed
You wouldn’t’ve guessed
The issues passed and faced.

Commentary: A poem written about my friend Simon aka rapper Mr Hectic, who I used to roll with back in the day, when I was creating hip hop tracks and writing rhymes. I did a performance of my rap songs at Stratford Theatre, East London, which the poem retells, where I first met Simon. He lived in White City then, where I used to go meet him. I did some work for his label back then called Dig-A-Ble records, performed with him in Camden, went to The Dairy to bus’ some lyrics at studio, and collaborated with him on the track Old Days. 

© Zubyre Parvez 2016 All Rights Reserved

The EaghamsWRITER BIO: Zubyre Parvez (BA hons) studied English Literature at Hertfordshire University. He writes song lyrics, poetry, short stories, reviews, and articles for The Taoist Crucible.  His poetry won runners up in a competition judged by Simon Armitage and Margaret Atwood. His poetry has been published in Kobita. His articles have appeared in The Epoch Times as a journalist for the newspaper. He has worked for New Tang Dynasty Television as a journalist. You can catch up with his tweets @TheEaghams

ARTIST BIO:The Eaghams aka Zubyre Parvez is an Urban Indie singer songwriter from London. His song The Roots was played on BBC 1Xtra by DJ Excalibuh. He has collaborated with artists such as Mr Hectic and Jason Air formerly of Island records. He has played at The Garage, and various open mics.

The Twenties

Maybe you went to University, accepted onto a course that cost thousands of pounds, when you did your additions, having spent the lot on traveling between semesters. History of Art, English Literature, mechanical engineering or any other course of your choice. Maybe you went to freshers week, finding the location and people refreshing. Maybe you worked as a clerk during your twenties and progressed to Administrator, the paperwork of so much form filling bureaucracy, small spaces you can hardly explain yourself, or be legible inside.

Maybe on the weekend you dressed to kill at Fabric, powders that brewed plots, make up that was unrelentingly you.
Maybe on your weekend you huddled at the bar with your mates, maybe you were a tea coloured Asian drinking Perrier whilst you drove your mates home, always being an example of goodness and teetotal.


Source: https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Restaurant_Review-g186338-d753818-Reviews-Zu_s-London_England.html

Maybe you smoked sheesha, taking after the Arabian princes, you as firey as a gun, the mist in Zu’s, the Moroccan decor turquoise, eating chicken shawarmas over donners. Maybe the graffiti artists who were accosted sprayed wildly the words ‘virgin zone’ for their own code of values we don’t know. Maybe the Pride and Prejudice gallantry of Mr Darcy style introductions were lost in other parts of London, but this was East London, not West.

Maybe the businessmen were shrewd, though this was the area that produced James Caan the millionaire, a standard of integrity, perhaps. Yet they spoke of limited goods, that you should purchase from a good friend – the business partner, passing on his number in city slickness.

Maybe as soon as you saw an alpha male you asked him the price of his Pumas, seeing who was cotching in his ride. Maybe you were listening to grime on the estate full of vitality, getting your hands dirty in the city. The grime atmospheric and gothic. You got promoted and start listening to the upmarket jazz your laidback employer, an executive at the firm listened to on suede and leather headphones.

Maybe you stayed at home with old teddies, your imagination spread out on the dog-eared page, reading historical fiction. Maybe you were in the Boleyn, playing pool wondering how you would escape the dive in your small group of friends’ pretension, listening to old Smiths records.

Maybe you staggered in drunk off your head on Stella Artois, in halls at 3am, your room full of posters affixed to the walls of Radiohead, of The Verve, of Starsailor. Maybe the music came alive when you were bright eyed and drunk, as if you could get inside the music.

Maybe you travelled a lone wolf to the wildernesses of South America drinking Ayahuasca tea feeling close to nature and the tribal spirit.

Stealing expensive price tags, in your community service you were tagged on the ankle tracking your movements, when the beat showed up arms of the law and fists of the law banging on the door, with clubs on entry, thumping house music turned down. You were sold on the advertisers quick fix, images of what took years to acquire in a snapshot or framed on some Instagram picture.

Maybe you were on company days off throwing stones into the sea at the beach and your impact the concentric rings expanded beyond your circle in London, your presence felt you were a stones throw away from the company headquarters, at the the hub, you were promoted to further departments. Your curriculum vitae your virtue was filled with skills and experience, nothing was Greek to you, you changed roles, you always played the clown.

To read the further pieces in this series please click the following links:

The Thirties

The Fifties

© Zubyre Parvez 2016 All Rights Reserved The EaghamsWRITER BIO: Zubyre Parvez (BA hons) studied English Literature at Hertfordshire University. He writes song lyrics, poetry, short stories, reviews, and articles for The Taoist Crucible.  His poetry won runners up in a competition judged by Simon Armitage and Margaret Atwood. His poetry has been published in Kobita. His articles have appeared in The Epoch Times as a journalist for the newspaper. He has worked for New Tang Dynasty Television as a journalist. You can catch up with his tweets @TheEaghams

ARTIST BIO:The Eaghams aka Zubyre Parvez is an Urban Indie singer songwriter from London. His song The Roots was played on BBC 1Xtra by DJ Excalibuh. He has collaborated with artists such as Mr Hectic and Jason Air formerly of Island records. He has played at The Garage, and various open mics.

Poem: Fashion Threads

Fashion Threads

I write of the things that connect us
Words on threads
Pathways in the garden
We are closer than you think
Though my travels have been
Long and far
I’ll soon return when
The harvest is ripe

© Zubyre Parvez 2016 All Rights Reserved

The EaghamsWRITER BIO: Zubyre Parvez (BA hons) studied English Literature at Hertfordshire University. He writes song lyrics, poetry, short stories, reviews, and articles for The Taoist Crucible.  His poetry won runners up in a competition judged by Simon Armitage and Margaret Atwood. His poetry has been published in Kobita. His articles have appeared in The Epoch Times as a journalist for the newspaper. He has worked for New Tang Dynasty Television as a journalist. You can catch up with his tweets @TheEaghams

ARTIST BIO:The Eaghams aka Zubyre Parvez is an Urban Indie singer songwriter from London. His song The Roots was played on BBC 1Xtra by DJ Excalibuh. He has collaborated with artists such as Mr Hectic and Jason Air formerly of Island records. He has played at The Garage, and various open mics.

Poem: Back On Track

My spine a book let me tell you
There was the fracture of my back
Dislocated from past I travel
Back on track through jointed map
circuitous circuitry

I look behind my shoulder more clearly
The guitar strung, this railway track
the chords to play and move you
The towers and the cities
As the column is read
Newspapers, website, book.

© Zubyre Parvez 2016 All Rights Reserved The EaghamsWRITER BIO: Zubyre Parvez (BA hons) studied English Literature at Hertfordshire University. He writes song lyrics, poetry, short stories, reviews, and articles for The Taoist Crucible.  His poetry won runners up in a competition judged by Simon Armitage and Margaret Atwood. His poetry has been published in Kobita. His articles have appeared in The Epoch Times as a journalist for the newspaper. He has worked for New Tang Dynasty Television as a journalist. You can catch up with his tweets @TheEaghams

ARTIST BIO:The Eaghams aka Zubyre Parvez is an Urban Indie singer songwriter from London. His song The Roots was played on BBC 1Xtra by DJ Excalibuh. He has collaborated with artists such as Mr Hectic and Jason Air formerly of Island records. He has played at The Garage, and various open mics.

The Fifties

As mammoth as auntie was she was still old-fashioned, her vintage music collection was as mushy as the flavours of the 70s, she feasted on. Her views were still as old as the subcontinent and her pride made her belong to the past, not the present. She was in a deep old rut and there she wished to be in all her passion and heavy fervour. A stick in the mud, you try to wave in the air. The clockwork precision. Rambunctious by the heavy cemented pillars. I’ll try something new if variety is the spice of life, who am I , not just a race, I wouldn’t fight with you, Old Auntie, dexterity eludes the slow moving elephant of your nostalgia and undoes you.

I can’t remember, but that keeps us casting ourselves out there far from your enclosure of space, the fresh new waters.

If you are going to draw on 70s music, let’s make something new of it. Check out this tune by AZ called World Don’t Stop. I am particularly fond of this remix version, I hope you like it too.

If you would like to read the further pieces in this series please see the following links:

The Twenties

The Thirties

The EaghamsWRITER BIO: Zubyre Parvez (BA hons) studied English Literature at Hertfordshire University. He writes song lyrics, poetry, short stories, reviews, and articles for The Taoist Crucible.  His poetry won runners up in a competition judged by Simon Armitage and Margaret Atwood. His poetry has been published in Kobita. His articles have appeared in The Epoch Times as a journalist for the newspaper. He has worked for New Tang Dynasty Television as a journalist. You can catch up with his tweets @TheEaghams

ARTIST BIO:The Eaghams aka Zubyre Parvez is an Urban Indie singer songwriter from London. His song The Roots was played on BBC 1Xtra by DJ Excalibuh. He has collaborated with artists such as Mr Hectic and Jason Air formerly of Island records. He has played at The Garage, and various open mics.

Poetry: Han Xin’s Quest

Han Xin's Quest

By The Eaghams 

Was Dante's journey through
 Hell to redeem his shadow?
 Souls bunched together by demons
 Fervour, anger and lust whip
 The heart and relieve it's agony
 Through waves of elation
 Amidst the purification good
 Han Xin crawls before them
 Open and aboveboard the open road
 His benevolent heart for all to see
 In the interim years before
 The truth is revealed aplenty
 There is calm amidst storm
 Harvests and laughter in the garden
 That he first saw in Peruvian Wild
 Where Pandora's Box had opened
 They go out ahead of him

© Zubyre Parvez 2016 All Rights Reserved

The EaghamsWRITER BIO: Zubyre Parvez (BA hons) studied English Literature at Hertfordshire University. He writes song lyrics, poetry, short stories, reviews, and articles for The Taoist Crucible.  His poetry won runners up in a competition judged by Simon Armitage and Margaret Atwood. His poetry has been published in Kobita. His articles have appeared in The Epoch Times as a journalist for the newspaper. He has worked for New Tang Dynasty Television as a journalist. You can catch up with his tweets @TheEaghams

RTIST BIO:The Eaghams aka Zubyre Parvez is an Urban Indie singer songwriter from London. His song The Roots was played on BBC 1Xtra by DJ Excalibuh. He has collaborated with artists such as Mr Hectic and Jason Air formerly of Island records. He has played at The Garage, and various open mics.

Poetry: The Things We Call Life

The Things We Call Life

By The Eaghams 

The boat it's sail follows the breeze
 It's flow
 To show us which way to go
 The flame kindled by the woods
 We call home of a flowering
 Forest gate where Henry VIII
 His name a gate came to hunt and play
 The annual rings of loyalty
 The populous of trees a generation
 Take us to the Tavern or Caravanserai
 Of the Good Man's Poetry
 Taking my coffee at the Station Cafe
 Writing these songs horizon of harbour
 Reading the epic verse of Derek Walcott
 Were philosophers seeking the basics
 Were writers penning the dynasty
 Of all that's related -
 Of all that congruent, straight up.

© Zubyre Parvez 2016 All Rights Reserved The EaghamsWRITER BIO: Zubyre Parvez (BA hons) studied English Literature at Hertfordshire University. He writes song lyrics, poetry, short stories, reviews, and articles for The Taoist Crucible.  His poetry won runners up in a competition judged by Simon Armitage and Margaret Atwood. His poetry has been published in Kobita. His articles have appeared in The Epoch Times as a journalist for the newspaper. He has worked for New Tang Dynasty Television as a journalist. You can catch up with his tweets @TheEaghams

ARTIST BIO:The Eaghams aka Zubyre Parvez is an Urban Indie singer songwriter from London. His song The Roots was played on BBC 1Xtra by DJ Excalibuh. He has collaborated with artists such as Mr Hectic and Jason Air formerly of Island records. He has played at The Garage, and various open mics.